Today, ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to take a moment to show you work from a very interesting photographer I just stumbled across! His name is Terren Oddo, and I must say, when I looked at his photography, I kept looking until I had seen all that there was to see on his website.
What drew me closest to Terren's work was not particularly the style of clothing his subjects wore, or the lighting, or really the scenery, but the incredible emotion that his subjects portray from just their facial expressions! Usually I find with more modern-styled art, they focus on the materialism of today's society, and forget the power of true modelling, where the face can speak a million words.
This one captures my gaze longer than any other, I believe, just for the intensity of the subject's stare - it's like he's looking at the person looking at him, not the camera.
And this beautiful lady, has such an incredible display of emotion painted across her face...
And here he is taking pictures of a band called "Sucker for Pumps." For more about the band, visit their Myspace page.
And I'd like to top it off with this picture, one that you could spend ages looking at trying to decipher what this subject is feeling - confusion? Betrayal? Anger? Sadness? It's brilliant.
Anyways, I hope you liked this glimpse into Terren Oddo's photography. If you'd like to contact Teren about his work, you can email him to this address: .
Stay tuned for more Reversed Culture!
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